The Preservation and Archiving of the Apache Way of Life.

Misson Statement

Our Apache Language is a gift from our Creator and the heart of our culture; by safeguarding our Apache language, we will preserve our culture, values, customs and our spiritual well-being. The goal of the San Carlos Apache tribe is to revitalize the use of the Apache language in everyday conversation as well as more poetically heightened expressive contexts. In a continuing effort to realize this goal, the project plan was developed and will be implemented according to the following four strategies.

Teaching the language of the San Carlos Apache

Our number one goal is to preserve and teach our Apache Language, Culture, History and Way of Life to our youth who are our legacy.,,,

The history of the San Carlos Apache

Our history goes back several hundred years. The existence of the Apache in the southwestern areas of North America has been evident for centuries.

Apache way of life

Apache’s today have gone through so many drastic changes. We struggle to retain our way of life. But through hard work, dedication and determination we have the ability to ensure that our way of life shall survive.

Community Events


We at the Language Preservation Program attend local events to distribute and inform everyone of our program and services. It is an effort done by our entire staff periodically to ensure our information is available to the people.


Working with our local and neighboring school districts allows us a greater audience. We always strive to start with the very young and all students up through high school. Stories, Culture, History and habits are taught. Finding ways to keep their interest is sometimes challenging.


Events such as the Arizona Indian Festival we also take part in. Here at this event all 22 tribes within Arizona were represented. Our Economic Development Program invited us to this event and Language Preservation has taken part in it the last few years.

4 Districts

7 Mile

Gilson Wash




Tribal Members

San Carlos Apache Reservation

1.86 million acres


April 1872


Latest blog

Traditional Teachings

Gathering Apache TUS

Field coordinator, Mr. Robert Stevens teaching students and visitors how to gather, harvest and clean Apache TUS. Apache Tus is harvested from local Agave plants on the San Carlos Apache reservation.

Teachable Moments

Apache Traditional Lectures on Cultural Preservation

Project Coordinator Mr. Robert Stevens is giving a presentation to visitors near and far on the importance of oral history within tribes. Among the audience is Chairwoman Erica Pinto from the Jamul tribe in southern California.

High School Presentations

Language Preservation Staff Visits Local Schools.

Throughout the school year, the language preservation staff collaborates with surrounding teachers and school districts to visit the youth and present Apache language and cultural activities for students. Each staff member is tasked with creating Apache curriculum for all ages.